Monday, July 23, 2007

Porcelain Boys

Porcelain Boys "If you were real"

Speaking of bands that sound like Descendents... here are the Porcelain Boys. They hailed from Minneapolis and were around for most of the 90's. Porcelain Boys sound like the poppy Descendents' songs off their earlier records (i.e. Bikeage, Hope, etc).. The singer even sounds like Milo. They put out an album on Pop Kid Records and it's not an awful album but you get the feeling that they sat on some of the songs for way too long before releasing them as they are kind of overproduced and the singer is a little over the top at times (not to mention the worst cover art ever). Anyways, this is off their first single..

Porcelain Boys - If you were real

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have loved the porcelain boys since before i can remember